Ryan Andersen

Senior Ruby on Rails Engineer
Grand Rapids, MI

Revamped Hiring Process

Many of my thoughts are taken from the book Who by Geoff Smart and Randy Street, but I have read many books / articles about creating a great culture and how to hire, and most concepts are simply best practices that take time, dedication, and commitment — they're typically not huge revelations.

I believe very strongly in hiring great people (or "A" players), and that they are far more valuable than even "B" players. The authors would even go as far as to say you can't be a great company without "A" players. A single hiring blunder can cost 15X an employee's base salary, so it's critical to get hiring right. And the average hiring success rate is 50%, which is apalling.

I also believe that culture is critical, and hiring, firing, and promoting based on culture is necessary to create and maintain a positive, purposeful culture. To that end, I strongly believe in coming up with meaningful, intentional, achievable core values and living by them.

I put together a Hiring "A" Players Prezi Presentation that I showed at my company to justify overhauling our hiring process (taken largely from the book "Who").

Here are a few key takeaways from my hiring process that I believe are key to its success: